Cancer of the larynx, which affects significantly more men than women, is almost exclusively a squamous cell carcinoma.
In 2020, only about one in seven of the 173,400 new patients was a woman.
One in 180 men will develop throat cancer at some point in their life, while it affects only one woman in 1,100. The mean age of this cancer is 64 for women and 66 for men, and thus earlier than for most other tumors.
The age peak of the age-specific incidence rates is between 55 and 75 years for women and between 65 and 75 years for men.
With a relative five-year survival rate, men at 61 percent are only slightly below that of women at 63 percent. In early tumor stages (stage I), the diagnosis of larynx cancer in men is 35 percent, five percent higher than in women.