Alternative cancer therapy for kidney cancer - renal cell carcinomas
Malignant neoplasms in the kidney can originate from various tissues. In adulthood, renal cell carcinomas (hypernephromas) are by far the most common, occurring in almost 97 percent of cases. However, in children, which are rarely affected, they are mostly nephroblastomas (Wilms tumors).
With around 172,600 new cases worldwide in 2019, men were almost twice as likely to be affected as women. The trend in age-standardized mortality rates has declined slightly over the entire observation period.
Men develop stomach cancer on average at 68 years of age, women at 72. With a five-year survival rate of 81 percent for men and 82 percent for women, the rate is comparatively good. Also because around 61 percent of the ulcers are detected at a relatively early stage.
Possible risk factors for kidney cancer are: smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, old age, repeated exposure to X-rays over many years, certain industrial chemicals, chronically impaired kidney function, genetic predisposition. SYMPTOMS Flank pain: pain in the back area (in the flanks) or colic without any identifiable reason. Blood in the urine (macrohematuria): a reddish to brown discoloration of the urine - caused by blood in the urine, which is usually painless. Palpable swelling in the area of a flank. General complaints: weight loss, loss of appetite, anemia, fever, high or low blood pressure, digestive problems, muscle and bone pain, cough and fatigue. Swollen lymph nodes or swelling of the legs (edema). In men, newly formed varicose veins in the left scrotum.
With the help of our kidney cancer enzyme, the spread and growth of malignant tumors can be specifically slowed down.