Alternative cancer therapy for prostate cancer - prostate carcinoma
Prostate cancer: symptoms The first signs of prostate cancer usually only appear in the advanced stage, either when the tumor is already so large that it narrows the urethra or secondary tumors (metastases) in other parts of the body cause problems. Prostate cancer can cause the following symptoms: problems urinating, frequent, strong urge to urinate, no urine despite the urge to urinate, pain in the prostate, increased urge to urinate at night, difficulty in starting to urinate, weaker urine stream with interruptions, pain during ejaculation and reduced ejaculation, weaker erection up to impotence, blood in the urine or semen, severe back pain in the lower area, in the pelvic area, in the hips or thighs
In 2020, around 482,800 new cases of prostate cancer were recorded.
Prostate cancer rarely occurs before the age of 50. For a 35-year-old man, the risk of developing prostate cancer in the next ten years is less than 0.1 percent. For a 75-year-old, however, this risk is around five percent.
With a relative five-year survival rate of 86 percent, prostate cancer is doing relatively well.
The tumors are discovered at an early stage in around two-thirds of those affected.
With the help of our prostate cancer enzyme, the spread and growth of malignant tumors can be specifically slowed down.