Monoatomic white gold powder, the recipe and manufacturing process of which was passed down from the spiritual world of alchemists. It is a universal and unique remedy that strengthens and maintains physical and mental health, well-being and harmony on the one hand, but is also able to significantly improve or cure serious illnesses on the other. Regular consumption of this product guarantees a significant increase in physical well-being and strengthens the entire organism and the four basic energies of the body, watery energy, airy energy, earthy energy and fire energy. All superfluous energies or pollutants and slag are increasingly dissolved by taking White Gold Powder and excreted via the intestines. Side effects or an overdose are not possible here - comparable to homeopathic remedies. Monoatomic White Gold Powder has the property of eliminating undesirable consequences (diseases) that can arise from an imbalance of the four basic energies, of removing food toxins and other waste products from the body, of relaxing the entire nervous system and bringing it back into balance, of dissolving and removing cholesterol and other deposits that have thickened in veins and arteries, and of healing a wide variety of diseases of the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, digestive organs and urinary system. Monoatomic White Gold Powder can be used successfully for:
Acne, allergies, Alzheimer's, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, bronchial asthma, slipped discs, salivary gland regeneration, bedwetting, bladder emptying disorders, blood pressure problems, chronic inflammation, depression, circulatory disorders, balance disorders, cataracts and glaucoma, hair loss, thyroid dysfunction, potency problems, radiation damage, digestive disorders, tooth enamel regeneration, short-sightedness, long-sightedness, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, rheumatism... to name just a small fraction.
Monoatomic white gold powder activates and harmonizes the gland system. Gold calms the nervous system. Gold activates the inner energies and leads to an improved inner attitude.
Monoatomic White Gold Powder is able to neutralize toxins and acids, among other things, and can also strengthen and invigorate the entire musculoskeletal system, i.e. bones, muscles, tendons, the spine and spinal cord, etc. (e.g. in the case of rheumatism, arteriosclerosis) and heal the various associated symptoms. Another area of application is increasing or improving eyesight.
Monoatomic White Gold Powder has become known far beyond the borders of Burma and people from all over the world are already using Monoatomic White Gold Powder successfully for themselves. There are numerous reports of striking improvements or cures from people who have been able to overcome serious and very serious illnesses with the help of Monoatomic White Gold Powder. The strengthening and healing effect has been proven many times and so Monoatomic White Gold Powder is suitable for prevention for anyone who wants to live healthy, strong and in harmony with themselves, their body and mind, as well as for the therapy and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses.
THE PRODUCTION of Monoatomic White Gold Powder
Step: Six metals: gold, silver, iron, copper, palladium and zinc are melted several times. During each melting process, the slag is removed. This process takes at least a month and the melting process of each metal is repeated up to 108 times until the metal is absolutely pure in the alchemical sense. The melting of the metals is carried out by monks because of the great heat development in the mountains of the Shan State. The metals are then melted together and filled into large glazed clay vessels together with chopped apples, wild honey, pineapples, grapes, peeled oranges and lemons and kept for 15 years, then buried in the ground for a year and kept above ground for a year. They are opened once a year and when the substance is dry, fruit is added. The wild honey comes from far away cold mountain areas that are still completely untouched by civilization. The honey contains the nectar of countless flowers, and therefore also the healing powers of the nectar. The fermentation process of the fruits produces substances that have proven antibiotic properties. During this 15-year process in and above the earth, the metals undergo an alchemical transformation, with the fruits and the honey serving as "food" for the transformation process of the metals. The product is the alloy of the six metals in perfect purity and in more solid form. This alloy is dried several times in the sun and heated again.
2nd step The alloy of the six metals is processed into thin foils in several steps. These are cut into small pieces and heated together with the "philosopher's stone". This creates a white powder.
3rd step The powder obtained in the second step is mixed again with grapes, apples, oranges, pineapples and honey and buried together with the "philosopher's stone" for another year.
4th step The mass obtained in the third step is moist on top and dry on the bottom. It is baked for two to five months in an oven that is lined with sawdust, which develops a smoldering fire with relatively low heat. This creates Church of Monoatomic White Gold Powder of the first quality. The metals are only present in trace amounts in these forms because they have been transformed by the alchemical process.
5th step: Church of Monoatomic White Gold Powder of the first quality is cleaned and dried again in the sun for 10 days.
The healing process is caused by
* the seasons (there are only three in Burma)
summer, rainy season, winter
* the four elements fire, water, earth, air
* the six metals; gold, silver, iron, copper, zinc, palladium
* the active ingredients of honey
* the antibiotic substances in the fruit
* the immune system is strengthened
* toxins in the body are dissolved and flushed out by drinking lots of water.
* The energy flow in the body is balanced and the whole system is brought into harmony.
0.5-1 gram is dissolved in approx. 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drunk throughout the day.